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Ecount Solutions LLC is your one-stop shop for modern pharmacy tools. Our mission is to modernize the pharmacy workflow while adding efficiency and personalization to the tools you use every day. Our #1 priority is for the pharmacy work staff to feel the importance of their work not only in the design and quality of our products but in the exceptional customer service that we provide.


The founders of Ecount Solutions, Samuel and Peter, have over a decade of work experience in pharmacy. They began their Doctorate of Pharmacy together at the University of Colorado in 2017, where they discovered a passion for business and innovation. They decided, where better to begin their journey than in the field they know best, pharmacy.


Samuel and Peter understand what it takes to work in pharmacy. While you take care of your patients, Ecount Solutions is here to take care of you by providing innovative tools that make your life easier. Making your workday seamless and efficient one tool at a time, we are Ecount Solutions.

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